
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The day Brinden joined our crew!

It started like any other day, except that it wasn't just any other day.  It was the day we would welcome our 5th son into our family!  And what an amazing day it was!

They handed him to me and I was just as in love with him as I was his brothers!  He was just perfect, and I knew that we chose the right name!!!  Brinden James was born at 5:01pm at a whopping 8lbs 11oz and was 20.5in long!  He was pure perfection!  

And, it helps that the journey of the day was a pretty awesome experience!  Aside from the wait we had in the morning, I was very pleased with my labor and delivery experience!

We arrived late, just a little after 8am.  It took them 30 minutes just to get us registered before we could go to our room.  Once we were in the room and I was changed and on the monitors, it was nearly 3 more hours before they even started getting things going.  Finally, they got things going just after 12pm and it was a fast ride!

So, quick timeline:

8:10am - arrive
8:40am - get in room
11:40am - start fluids
12:05pm - start pitocin
3:40pm - water broken
5:01pm - Brinden

I would say it was pretty quick!

Once I hit about 7cm, I was hurting - REALLY BAD.  I gave in and asked for an epidural.  Filip tried really hard to talk me out of it, but I was set that there was no way I could get through it without one.  Boy... what happened next was rather funny.

They came it and started to set me up.  As soon as he got everything in and ready, he gave me the test dose of medicine just to make sure it was working.  At that point, it was already too late.  Brinden was coming right then.  Pretty much, I went from 7cm to pushing in about 20 minutes because I sat up completely.  I should have known.

But, I only got the test dose of epidural, which was just enough to take a very minimal edge off while pushing.  I am kinda bummed that I gave in, but glad that I still got to experience what I did!

October 6th will now forever be a special day!  Because it was the day Brinden joined our crazy crew!

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