
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Yes! I am one of THOSE people!

Back in 2010, after going through an ectopic pregnancy and almost ending my marriage, a friend reached out to me and told me about this thing called CR.  I was intrigued, but also a little confused.  Celebrate Recovery.  Recovery.  A 12-step program.  Like what alcoholics go to?  Something for drug addicts?  Boy, I felt like you'd have to have some serious issues to need something so involved. 

I spent over two years after being introduced to it, just pondering the questions.  Assuming I didn't "really" need it.  It wasn't until after my world was rocked by learning some things that my husband had been hiding that I honestly thought to be serious about it.

  Even with the questions and the idea that is was more than what I really needed, I gave it a chance anyway.  What could it hurt?  If anything, I would realize how much I really didn't need it and could just stop any time I wanted.  But, what I found, was that I was surely in desperate need of recovery.

Most people do hear about Celebrate Recovery and assume its for severe alcoholic or drug addicts.  They don't see past the word Recovery.  Just like I didn't, at first.

Celebrate Recovery is for ALL people.  If you breath, chances are, you'd benefit from CR.  Every single person has faced some form of hardship in their lives, and we all struggle in some area - at some point.  We all have something in our lives that separates us from God, even if it's something small.  CR is made for EVERY.SINGLE.THING that people face.

Struggle with rejection or self-esteem issues?
Ever been the victim of domestic or sexual abuse/violence?
Struggle with food or eating disorders?
Struggle with anger, depression or anxiety? or any other social/mental disorder?
Struggle with money or material things?
Struggle with your spouse, family or friends (in any way)?
Have you lost a loved one or had your heart broken?
Do you worry more about making others happy than being happy yourself?
Are you living a sexually immoral life (porn, cheating on spouse, sex before marriage, etc)?
Do you live in fear of weird things?

Is there ANYTHING - at all - that seems to weigh on your mind or heart that hinders your relationship with Christ, or hinders your life in any way?  If so, Celebrate Recovery is the place to go to find healing for that!  It may seem small to you, but any issue in our lives is HUGE to our God, and He wants to help us with it.  He doesn't want anything in the way of His relationship with us!

On the Celebrate Recovery webpage, Rick Warren has a message for us.  A small piece of his message reads:

       "The Bible clearly states “all have sinned.” It is my nature to sin, and it is yours too. None of us is untainted. Because of sin, we’ve all hurt ourselves, we’ve all hurt other people, and others have hurt us. This means each of us need repentance and recovery in order to live our lives the way God intended."

That small portion of what he says, really says it all.

The best thing about CR is that it is completely based on the Bible, God's word. 

I've found that when I tell people I attend CR, I get looks or responses that make me feel like I'm being judged.  Also, many who have assumed that I go for alcohol or drug related issues.  Then there are some who admit they have "issues" but then say that those things aren't bad enough for them to go to CR.  Well, like I said, it may seem minor to us, but all of our issues are MAJOR in God's eyes.  Why let any issue, no matter how small it may seem, keep us from having the fullest relationship with Him possible?

I am so very thankful for CR and the healing I've found in my recovery!  I am in recovery multiple things, and have found amazing support and love through my struggles.  I didn't think I was in need of CR.  I thought that my issues were minor and could be dealt with in counseling or just on my own, because they really aren't THAT bad. 

However, I have realized that counseling wouldn't have done me much good. It didn't do me any good, I tried.  I tried medication and every thing else that didn't ever help anything.  It's because I didn't know how to truly work through things, to face them, find and admit my own part in them and then make amends for it, or to forgive others.  CR has taught me how to do all of that. 

Learning how to work through things, facing them, accepting any responsibility that I have and making amends to people I've hurt has honestly made me a different person.  Plus, learning to forgive others has been HUGE!!!  Plus, add that there is a support network of people that understand and can help when things get tough, I can't imagine where I would be without CR!

Really, though... there isn't a person alive who wouldn't benefit from CR.  I pray that word of this program spreads and that people see that this program isn't just for severe issues, it's for every single person, everywhere!  I am okay with being on of "THOSE" people because it has strengthened my relationship with Christ, has allowed me to mend broken relationship from the past, as well as create new relationships that are stronger than relationships of the past! 

Won't you join the amazing healing with us???  For more information, or to locate a group near you, go to the Celebrate Recovery website!

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