
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Scared Mommy

Having boys keeps me on my toes, and sometimes shaking. Today was one of those days that I have been on my toes and shaking through most of the day.

It started off as a pretty normal morning. We got up, had pancakes for breakfast and I started my daily chores. Then, I decided I'd start putting baby stuff together. I put the stroller and playpen together and started working on the swing.

My boys, being playful, wanted to play with the boxes. Fine with me because they were entertained and having fun! Darien was walking around with the box from the swing on his body when he tripped and fell face first into the ground.

Now, this kid has taken many HARD falls and hits to his head without being phased, so I didn't jump right up. He started to cry a little bit and stayed on the ground. I kept asking if he was alright but next thing I know his eyes are rolling and his tongue was hanging out of his mouth, his arms pulled up to his chest and his body shaking. Drool was coming out of his mouth, he wasn't responding to me at all. It even took him a little bit after this stopped for him to respond. I of course called the ambulance IMMEDIATELY.

They came out and he seemed okay but because I've NEVER seen him do that and he's had MANY falls, hard falls, with hitting his head and never had that happen, I was completely freaked out. This child has had unicorn sized knots on his head and maybe cried for a few minutes and was right back to his normal self. So, yeah, this had me worried.

The ride to the hospital was a little strange. He asked me a couple times where we were and had to wear my sun glasses because his eyes hurt. He just wasn't Darien. He was quiet and seemed really tired. Which of course added so much more worry. Once we got there, they checked him out and said he seemed to be acting pretty good under the circumstances.

The Dr was willing to do a CT if we wanted one though I do hate the risks of them on kids, so we opted for some monitoring and go from there. He checked out fine, no bleeding in his ears, eyes dilating normally, responding to commands and talking again. He was obviously tired, but still managed to stay awake to let the Dr examine him. We stayed there and they kept an eye on him for close to an hour and we were able to come home.

They do think it is probably a mild concussion, but even if they got the scan to see that, there isn't much they can really do about it. It would still be a matter of waiting and seeing how it goes. We were told if he was in any contact sports or physical activity that he shouldn't return to it without being cleared by Peds. Otherwise he was clear to resume normal daily activities and the Dr seemed pretty confident that he'd be okay.

Also, the likely reason that he had that sort of reaction when he's never had before is because of how he hit. Normally when he's fallen he hits the side of his head, around the temple. There is a little more protection in those areas, causing less direct force to the brain. Whereas this time he fell directly on his forehead, giving that direct force right to his brain. Makes sense to me and sounds like a justifiable reason for the episode he had. Didn't make it any less scary though.

Ever since we got home, he's been himself again! Though, every noise that sounded like throwing up or weird thing he did was making me worry. I don't think I've ever watched my child as closely as I have today. I'm still worried. Short of letting him sleep with us (which IS NOT going to happen), I am doing what I can to make sure he's still alright. He's my boy, I need to know that he's going to be fine!

It's scary being a mom. I love it more than anything but man, days like today really show you how much you worry when you are a parent. I don't think it's going to get any easier either. My boys are my life and thinking that anything has happened to them makes me freak. I'm really hoping it's a long while before we have another fall like that.

For now though, he seems just fine! I am sure he is, but any parent out there will understand the worry I feel. When we get up tomorrow, I am going to make us breakfast and take all these boxes OUTSIDE. I'm also going to just love on my boys and make sure they know how much they are loved!

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